This summer I spent two weeks in a tent camping in a different town each night. Without a usual place to put all my 'things' I often couldn't find them, much to my frustration!
After about 11 days I realised that things were almost always where I thought they were, only I hadn't looked quite hard enough. I would have a quick look in the right place, not find it, so look around the rest of the tent, and outside the tent, before finally returning to the place I thought they were and find them almost straight away!
Looking for longer in the place you think your keys are might help you get out on time this week, but I think the idea goes further too.
Too often I turn to God, nothing seems to be happening, so I search in other places around the tent (reading a Christian book, a blog, 'praying',...), and maybe even outside the tent (sin things), before eventually turning back to God and the bible, to find what I wanted all along.
Do you?
Yes. Thanks for the reminder not to.