Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quackers Question Number 1

If you could only do one of these, which would completely exclude the other which would you do?

  • Pray
  • Read the bible

It might seem contrived and ridiculous (both are great), but the question remains.


  1. Read the Bible, it has so many great prayers in it! ;-)

  2. Pray.
    Moses didn't have the bible, but he could talk to God. Paul didn't have lots of the bible but was able to write parts of it. Millions of people have access to read the bible (and some do read it), yet don't have a relationship with God.

    Also, reading the bible with all its great prayers and not being able to pray would drive me crazy.

    (I know it's a ridiculous question.)

  3. But how do you know how to get right with God or know the God that you are praying to unless He reveals himself to you? (He's done this through His Word!)

  4. And how do you become a Christian without prayer? You can't.

    It is a quackers question, there are probably better questions out there.

    But for me at this moment in time, IF I could only do one I'd pray (and trust God to remind me about the rest).

  5. I'll be posting on the bible in the coming days - don't worry :)

  6. I must side with Twiga here. For one thing, prayer is the safer bet by far. Situations in which you might be deprived of your Bible could arise. This is far less true of prayer. If I was deprived of my Bible, God's grace would speak to me by some other miracle. His Spirit lives in me, and is more competent to talk to me than I am to talk to myself. But to be unable to say anything back would be dreadful.

    With no means of talking to God, the Bible serves only to condemn. It cuts us with tellings of the God's righteous judgement, then rubs salt into the wounds by detailing the glories of restored relationship that we cannot enjoy. We have taken the book the guidss us to the Most Holy place: the other side of the curtain that was torn when Jesus died. And in return for the guidebook we neglect ever to go there.

    I think that the point dividing the loneliness of my childhood from the contentment that I have now is not the day I first read the Bible. I think it is the day I asked God to show me what joy means.

  7. Far better to hear from God than him hear from is. Hia word is active, powerful, sharper than any sword, which speaks life, truth, and right to our hearts.

    You don't need to pray to be a Christian. The "sinner's prayer" isn't in the Bible. "Repent and believe" is, though.

    Don't get me wrong, prayer is an amazing, exciting and necessary blessing. But to be able to hear our Creator and father speaking just by opening up the Bible is something we take wayyy too much for granted. We don't worship the Bible, but, because of the Bible, we know our saviour and worship him. And then. Of course, this knowledge undoubtedly leads is to pray

    Sorry to dig up and old post
