Adrian Warnock writes on the resurrection
At the cross we learn true humility, our hopeless sinfulness, and our need of God. At the empty tomb we fully appreciate what Christ has achieved for us and receive power to live for him. A deeper, fuller insight into the truth of Jesus’ resurrection will cause our lives to be radically transformed. Virgo writes on our status as saints not sinners
When Christians deplore their sinfulness to the degree that they actually argue that their essential identity is ‘a sinner’ they shoot themselves in the foot!
If I insist on teaching that Christians are still essentially sinners, what is the Good News? Has anybody got some better news? (The first article is lower down the page) HT: Dave BishGlen Scrivener writes on Trinity - the difference between slaves and sons
The Father is father of the Son and sends the Spirit. The Son is son of the Father and possesses the Spirit. The Spirit is sent by the Father and belongs to the Son.
Every time I forget I’m a son, I start praying like a slave and it kills my prayer life. I pray like I’m a slave and He’s a slave-master, like I’m a soldier and He’s a commanding officer. But Jesus didn’t teach us to pray ‘Our Sergeant-Major in Heaven’ or ‘Our Line Manager in Heaven’ – instead: Our Father in Heaven.'ve also been reading Philip Yancey's Where is God When it Hurts?
This morning I had the time to do this because I set my alarm... on the other side of the room. At least that was the plan. I might have woken up before it, but it always gets me out of bed on time rather than the within-arms-reach of the bed approach.
What have you been munching on?
Knowing God by J I Packer
ReplyDeleteCalvin's Institutes - irrespective of whether you buy the theological system (sadly) named after him, it is an epic book and worth slowly going through.
And I'm looking forward to the Desiring God media from their current conference on the link between the glory of God and our joy.
Blog wise: Bish on Proverbs 31 was v. good. + The stuff you linked to :D