Monday, May 23, 2011

Jonah and Jesus

Today I was reading Luke 11 and for the first time ever, I think, I understood that bit about Jonah: "for as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be to this generation."

Before I didn't have a clue what that meant; diddly-squat. How was Jesus like Jonah?

Jonah didn't really give any signs to the Ninevites (the whole fish thing was for Jonah not the Ninevites). They were an evil bunch, he came along and told them death was coming, and they repented. Simple. A simple warning from a foreigner changed the darkest city. So when the Ninevites hear that you heard the full blown Son of man talking, and still didn't repent, well... they'll condemn you. 'cos they were so much worse, and only heard Jonah, but you heard the Son of man.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Funky new (mobile) website

This website hasn't had a funky new update, but a few big mobile sites have. I'm gonna talk about: Facebook, Twitter and Tugenda Bible (I know it's not popular, but I made it so I get to advertise it).

1) The facebook mobile website wasn't very good. There was no way to access events, no way to view a wall-to-wall, and overall, a cut-down experience. Instead was using the official app (on my HTC Desire), but my phone has limited storage space, so I was forever having to delete app-data! With the updated website I don't use the app, instead using the website; it's great! On the main page I can see: 1) any new (and recent) notifications, 2) my news feed and 3) if I have any messages. All on one screen.

2) Twitter. I've only just seen it today, but they've changed the mobile website. It feels less like a mobile website and more like an app. It feels much faster, and it should have me using it more.

3) Tugenda Bible. Up until the weekend there was no mobile version of this website, and I was contemplating making an Andoid App (no doubt inspired by The Apprentice). Realising the steep learning curve required, I decided to stick with HTML in the browser, particularly with the growth in HTML5. So if you have a mobile, have a look at: There are still a few bugs, I want to make it more app-like, but it works, and gets rid of those verse numbers which so often get in the way when reading the bible!

What do you think? Seen any good mobile websites?